Monthly Archives: November 2012

SLAN 2012

Congratulations to the INF/Danone fellows that attended SLAN in Havana, Cuba. In this photo, INF President Ricardo Uauy is shown with INF/Danone fellows Virginia Natero (left) and Daniela Defago (right) at SLAN (fellows not pictured: Alejandra Juáregui, Alex Brito, photo courtesy of Daniel López de Romaña)

INF Sponsors Fellowships to SEANLP for the first time

The South-East Asian Nutrition Leadership Programme (SEANLP) begins today in Jakarta! Thanks to sponsorship from Danone, INF is proud to support 4 fellows to this programme for the first time, joining the ranks of those NLP fellows on two other continents: the African NLP and the Latin American NLP. Congratulations to the SEANLP fellows!